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14 Ways to Fortify Internet Privacy

 It's no secret that internet privacy is becoming an increasingly important issue in our digital world. 

With the rise of data breaches, cyber attacks, and government surveillance, it's more crucial than ever to stay secure online.

1. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) - 

A VPN can help to encrypt your data and keep your browsing activity anonymous. It also makes it harder for hackers or other people to track you online. And you can buy cheap VPN and other software for business and home use in the GGSel online store.

2. Install a Firewall - 

A firewall helps to protect your computer from malicious traffic, viruses and malware that can be sent over the internet. Configuring a good firewall is one of the best methods for protecting yourself from cyber threats.

3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication - 

By adding an extra layer of security on top of your login credentials, two-factor authentication (2FA) can protect against account takeovers and data theft. This should be enabled on all online accounts whenever possible.

4. Use Secure Wi-Fi Networks - 

When connecting to public Wi-Fi networks such as coffee shops or airports, always make sure the network is secure by checking for the padlock icon in the browser bar before entering any sensitive information like credit card details or passwords.

Also, get in the habit of clearing browser history. Learning how to clear history on MacBook, for example, is quite simple.

5. Clear Your Cookies Regularly - 

Cookies are small text files stored on your device that record preferences and activities while browsing certain websites to show you relevant advertisements later on. 

But they can also be used by third parties to track you across different sites, so periodically clearing them helps maintain your privacy online.

6. Check Privacy Policies Before You Sign Up For Anything - 

When signing up for an online service or app, read their privacy policy carefully first so that you know exactly how they use your personal data and how secure it is being kept.

If there isn't one then this could indicate that they don't take user privacy seriously enough and may not be worth trusting with your information at all.

7. Update Your Software Regularly - 

Keeping all software installed on your devices up to date helps protect against any vulnerabilities which could leave them at risk from hackers or other malicious actors looking for access points into systems through outdated applications or operating systems – make sure this includes antivirus programs too.

8. Change Default Settings - 

Many software programs will have default settings which aren't necessarily optimal for maintaining privacy; things like sharing location data, allowing ad tracking should be turned off manually in order to reduce any chance of personal information being leaked unknowingly over time – these defaults may also include preinstalled apps too so check those as well.

9. Be Wary Of Public Computers/Devices - 

Public computers/devices tend to have less secure settings than those owned by individuals so it's best practice not to enter any sensitive information while using them – especially when connecting with personal devices like smartphones or laptops which could store passwords etc without being aware of it.

10. Disable Autofill In Browsers - 

Autofill functions allow web browsers like Google Chrome or Firefox to remember passwords/logins entered previously so they don't have to be retyped each time but leaving these active may mean others can access private information if left unattended – turn these off when working away from a secure environment where possible.

11. Be Mindful Of What Apps You Download - 

Third party applications often come with permissions that allow them access personal data like contacts list – use caution when downloading new apps as some may even contain malware which could compromise users' safety further down the line.

12. Don't Over Share On Social Media - 

Social media platforms are filled with users eager for likes/shares but think twice before posting anything too personal; once something has been shared publicly there's no guarantee who will see it next as anyone could copy/paste/share content without consent which puts users' safety at risk.

13. Pay Attention To Links You Click On - 

Links embedded within email messages or direct messages can be dangerous if clicked; always double check their validity before clicking as some may contain malicious code designed specifically to target unsuspecting victims who click through without realizing what they're opening up themselves too.

14. Monitor Credit Card Statements For Unusual Activity - 

Keeping tabs on credit card statements is essential in order detect any unusual activity quickly, report discrepancies promptly after discovery; 

Otherwise, fraudsters will continue profiting off stolen funds indefinitely until action taken against them successfully stops their efforts in their tracks.
